Compatibility Questionnaire: BigFix, Inc. (BigFix Enterprise Suite for Vulnerability and Security Configuration Management) — Archive
Important: The OVAL Compatibility Program was moved to "archive" status in December 2009, and replaced with the "OVAL Adoption Program." Under the OVAL Adoption Program product validation is performed by an external organization, allowing the OVAL Team to focus on educating vendors on best practices regarding the use and implementation OVAL and on how OVAL can continue to evolve as needed by the community.
Refer to the OVAL Adoption Program section for addition information and to review all products and services listed.
Organizational Information
Name of Your Organization:
Web Site:
Product Information
Product/Service Name:
Compatible Categories:
Product/Service Home Page:
Product Accessibility
Schema Currency Indication
Schema Currency Update Approach
Changes to the OVAL Schema will affect only the process by which the BigFix content development team converts the definition files to the BigFix policy format; it will not affect any BigFix software component deployed at a customer site. If the event an update to the BigFix platform is necessary, customers will be able to upgrade their installation seamlessly through its built-in self-updating features.
BigFix anticipates that any relevant changes to the underlying OVAL Schema can be incorporated into its process to generate BigFix vulnerability assessment policies within a very short time after the new schema has been published.
Platform and Definition Type Support
Platform | Definition Type | OVAL Category |
Windows | We support Vulnerability class definitions. All subtests required to assess the "software" section of the criteria block are supported, except the following: "ukn unknown_test", "wet fileeffectiverights_test", and "wat activedirectory_test" | OVAL Systems Characteristics Producer (planned) OVAL Definition Consumer OVAL Results Producer (planned) OVAL ID Output and Searchable |
Solaris | We support Vulnerability class definitions. All subtests currently in use, except "ukn unknown_test", "TFT textfilecontent_test", and "SIT inetd_test," are supported as well | OVAL Systems Characteristics Producer (planned) OVAL Definition Consumer OVAL Results Producer (planned) OVAL ID Output and Searchable |
Red Hat | We support Vulnerability class definitions. All subtests currently in use, except "RLT inetlisteningservers_test " tests, are supported as well | OVAL Systems Characteristics Producer (planned) OVAL Definition Consumer OVAL Results Producer (planned) OVAL ID Output and Searchable |
HP-UX | Support planned. | OVAL Systems Characteristics Producer (planned) OVAL Definition Consumer (planned) OVAL Results Producer (planned) OVAL ID Output and Searchable (planned) |
Approach for Correction of Errors
Customers experiencing an issue with or having questions about the BigFix OVAL capabilities can use the standard support options, based on their current support agreement with BigFix. Anyone who suspects an error in the BigFix OVAL capabilities can submit an issue via any of the support options, with escalation based on severity.
Current support includes the following options:
- BigFix Support Website
- Searchable knowledgebase with common issues and FAQ's
- Product Documentation
- Implementation and configuration options
- Current Telephone and email support contact information
- Telephone support (Standard Business hours or 24x7)
- Email Support
If an error is confirmed, BigFix will simply update the policy definition corresponding to the OVAL definition, test the new policy, and post the update it to our internal repository, typically in a few hours. The BES Server configured at each customer site will check in for new content or updates on a regular interval, thus enabling the system to propagate the correction in a few minutes or hours. If the error lies in the OVAL definition, BigFix would notify OVAL of the discrepancy and update the corresponding policy as described above.
Compatibility Documentation
BigFix publishes all documentation electronically and makes that available to customers via the on-line support site:
Descriptions of OVAL, OVAL compatibility and OVAL-ID compatibility are published in the following knowledgebase article:
What is OVAL?
BigFix OVAL and OVAL-ID compatibility
Documentation of Finding Elements Using OVAL
BigFix publishes all documentation electronically and makes that available to customers via the on-line support site:
Documentation to describe the specific details of finding individual security elements within the BigFix Console and Web Reports by using OVAL definitions and/or through the use of OVAL-IDs is published in the following knowledgebase article:
Searching for OVAL data elements within the BES Console
Searching for OVAL data elements within the BES Web Reports
Documentation of Finding Results Information from Elements
Documentation Indexing of OVAL-Related Material
BigFix publishes all documentation electronically and makes that available to customers via the on-line support site:
A list of all OVAL related topics can be generated using the following keywords for search within the on-line support knowledgebase.
- vulnerability
- baseline
- standard
OVAL Definition Consumer
Configuration and Software Usage Explanation
OVAL Definition Information Process Explanation
OVAL-ID Output and Searchable
Finding Elements Using OVAL-ID
The BigFix Enterprise Suite for Vulnerability and Security Configuration Management provides full search capabilities for a security element based on its OVAL-ID within the Console as well as HTML based Web Reports. Within the Console, the "Find" feature from the Edit pull-down menu will enable the user to specify an OVAL-ID.
From the Console

From the "Search Results" group, double click on the policy message corresponding to the OVAL ID to open it in the console and select "Show Message Properties" from the View menu to display the security elements that make up the specific OVAL definition.

Finding OVAL-ID Using Elements in Reports
From within the Console, each policy message for an OVAL definition includes the OVAL-ID number, both in policy message name and description. Likewise, any OVAL definition that makes up a report from the Web Reports facility will include the OVAL ID number in its name.
To locate a specific policy related to an OVAL definition within the Web Reports interface, select the "Create" tab. From the list of report templates, choose "All Fixlets," and press "Next."

At the "...starts with" parameter, enter the OVAL ID in the form OVAL##, e.g. OVAL98 or OVAL1032 and press "Next"

The Web Reports interface will display an entry for the designated OVAL definition.

To display more details about the OVAL vulnerability definition, including a complete list of all relevant computers, click the OVAL definition name link.

Questions for Signature
Statement of Compatibility
Have an authorized individual sign and date the following Compatibility Statement (required):
"As an authorized representative of my organization I agree that we will abide by all of the mandatory Compatibility Requirements as well as all of the additional mandatory Compatibility Requirements that are appropriate for our specific type of capability."
Name: | Gregory Toto | |
Title: | Vice President, Product Management |
Statement of Accuracy
Have an authorized individual sign and date the following accuracy Statement (recommended):
"As an authorized representative of my organization and to the best of my knowledge, there are no errors in the correctness of our capability's use of OVAL schema and logic."
Name: | Gregory Toto | |
Title: | Vice President, Product Management |
Statement on Follow-on Testing Activity Support
Have an authorized individual sign and date the following statement about your organizations willingness to support correctness testing of other capabilities, which will be managed by the Reviewing Authority and kept to reasonable levels of effort for all involved. (required):
"As an authorized representative of my organization, we agree to support the Reviewing Authority in follow-on testing activities, where appropriate types of files will be exchanged with other organizations attempting to prove the correctness of their capabilities."
Name: | Gregory Toto | |
Title: | Vice President, Product Management |
Page Last Updated: December 17, 2009