OVAL Definition Tutorial
At its core, the OVAL Language is a simple representation of truth values associated with system components. Examples would be "the version of a file is 3.5.1" or "the value of the registry key is 10" or "the user FRED is a member of the DEPARTMENT group". This document will explain how these simple truth values can be represented in an OVAL Definition. A complete description of the language will not be provided, but rather a quick introduction that should enable users to understand the structure of an OVAL Definition.
The Hello World Example
The example one is taught when learning a programming language is always 'Hello World'. It is essentially a very simple program that compiles and when run, produces the text 'Hello World' on the screen. Let's look at a similar example for OVAL by writing a definition to test that the (hypothetical) Windows registry key 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\oval\example' has a value equal to 'Hello World'.
The first step in creating our definition will be to create the actual OVAL Test that will define the registry key and value we want to examine. Once the test has been created, a definition is written to wrap that test in metadata.
The Registry Test
A test in the OVAL Language is used to check the value of specified attributes related to a given object. The OVAL Test structure simply combines a reference for a given object (in this case a registry key) and a reference to the value (also known as state) we want to check.
Each test is given an ID to identify it. The check attribute helps determine the relationship between the object and state. For our hello world example we set the check attribute to 'all'. This means that the test will be true if ALL of the registry keys on the system that match our object declaration satisfy the values found in the state. Of course in our example only one registry key should match our object and we will check that this registry key has a value equal to "Hello World".
<registry_test id="oval:tutorial:tst:1" check="all"> <object object_ref="oval:tutorial:obj:1"/> <state state_ref="oval:tutorial:ste:1"/> </registry_test>
The Registry Object
Every test in OVAL needs to have one or more objects to check. Objects are actual 'things' on the system being evaluated. For example: a file, a user, a process, a registry key, etc. These objects are the pieces of the system that we are testing.
To specify a registry key in the OVAL Language, one creates a 'registry_object'. This is simply an xml representation of the data that uniquely identifies it. In this case, it consists of a hive, key, and name. For our hello world example we would create the following object:
<registry_object id="oval:tutorial:obj:1"> <hive>HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE</hive> <key>SOFTWARE\oval</key> <name>example</name> </registry_object>
Notice that our registry object has an id associated with it and this id was referenced by our registry test.
The Registry State
Once we have defined the object we want to look at, the next step is to express the state of that object for the test to be considered TRUE. For our hello world example we would create a registry_state that in effect says "check that the registry we identified has a value of Hello World".
<registry_state id="oval:tutorial:ste:1"> <value>Hello World</value> </registry_state>
Again, notice that our registry state has an id associated with it and this id was referenced by our registry test.
The Definition
A definition is the heart and soul of the OVAL Language. It is a definition that applications reference during system evaluation. The purpose of a definition is to combine one or more tests using logical operators AND and OR. In addition, it wraps metadata around these tests to help detail to a user what is going on.
<definition id="oval:tutorial:def:1"> <metadata>...</metadata> <criteria>...</criteria> </definition>
Each definition has an id associated with it just like tests, objects, and states. This id follows the same urn format as all the other ids with 'oval:' followed by a unique string (ideally in reverse dns form), followed by the three letter code 'def', and ending with an integer.
The Metadata
Associated with each definition is a set of metadata that provides descriptive text about what is being checked and how the definition should be used. The only required pieces of metadata are a title and a description. Additional metadata can be added if needed.
<metadata> <title>Hello World Example</title> <description> This definition is used to introduce the OVAL Language to individuals interested in writing OVAL Content. </description> </metadata>
The Criteria
It is the criteria of an OVAL Definition that outlines what is being tested. The criteria contains all the individual tests and joins them together with AND and OR operators. This allows the individual writing the definition to express statements like "test that a file exists AND a registry key is equal to 10". Of course our example only looks at a single registry key so the criteria will only contain a single test. The example below shows how the criteria for our Hello World definition would be written.
<criteria> <criterion test_ref="oval:tutorial:tst:1" comment="the value of the registry key equals Hello World"/> </criteria>
Each criteria contains individual criterion statements that reference a single test. The actual test is written separately and is referenced by the id identified by the test_ref attribute. In this case we will be looking at test oval:tutorial:tst:1. The comment associated with the criterion helps explain what the test being referenced will do.
The Complete Definition File
Now that we have all the pieces, we can combine them to form an OVAL Definition File.
<oval_definitions> <definitions> <definition id="oval:tutorial:def:1"> <metadata> <title>Hello World Example</title> <description> This definition is used to introduce the OVAL Language to individuals interested in writing OVAL Content. </description> </metadata> <criteria> <criterion test_ref="oval:tutorial:tst:1" comment="the value of the registry key equals Hello World"/> </criteria> </definition> </definitions> <tests> <registry_test id="oval:tutorial:tst:1" check="all"> <object object_ref="oval:tutorial:obj:1"/> <state state_ref="oval:tutorial:ste:1"/> </registry_test> </tests> <objects> <registry_object id="oval:tutorial:obj:1"> <hive>HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE</hive> <key>SOFTWARE\oval</key> <name>example</name> </registry_object> </objects> <states> <registry_state id="oval:tutorial:ste:1"> <value>Hello World</value> </registry_state> </states> </oval_definitions>
Additional Information
Note that the above OVAL Definition File is not technically valid. It does not include some of the more advanced features, as those features do not factor into the structure or the relationship of the different components. For additional information please read the more complete "Writing an OVAL Definition" document or email us at oval@mitre.org.
Page Last Updated: January 18, 2011