- Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language -
Deprecation Report

< patch_item >

Installation information about a specific patch in the VMware ESX server. This information can be retrieved by the "esxupdate query | grep ESX-xxxxxxx" command.

Child Elements Deprecation Info

This is the patch number which identifies the patch being checked in current VMware ESX server. Many of the security bulletins for VMWARE ESX Server contain non-numerical characters in the patch nubmer, therefore this entity has a datatype of string.

Deprecated As Of Version: 5.6
Reason: The deprecated patch_test has a bug where the patch name entity is defined as a string in the object yet is defined as an int in the state. Additional state entities have also been added to the new patch56_test.
Comment: This item has been deprecated and will be removed in version 6.0 of the language.