- Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language -
Element Dictionary

The following is a description of the elements, types, and attributes that compose the Solaris specific tests found in Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language (OVAL). Each test is an extension of the standard test element defined in the Core Definition Schema. Through extension, each test inherits a set of elements and attributes that are shared amongst all OVAL tests. Each test is described in detail and should provide the information necessary to understand what each element and attribute represents. This document is intended for developers and assumes some familiarity with XML. A high level description of the interaction between the different tests and their relationship to the Core Definition Schema is not outlined here.

The OVAL Schema is maintained by The Mitre Corporation and developed by the public OVAL Community. For more information, including how to get involved in the project and how to submit change requests, please visit the OVAL website at http://oval.mitre.org.

< isainfo_test >

The isainfo test reveals information about the instruction set architectures. This information can be retrieved by the isainfo command. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references an isainfo_object and the optional state element specifies the metadata to check. The evaluation of the test is guided by the check attribute that is inherited from the TestType.

The isainfo_test was originally developed by Robert L. Hollis at ThreatGuard, Inc. Many thanks for their support of the OVAL project.

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
object oval-def:ObjectRefType 1 1
state oval-def:StateRefType 0 1

< isainfo_object >

The isainfo_object element is used by an isainfo test to define those objects to evaluated based on a specified state. There is actually only one object relating to isainfo and this is the system as a whole. Therefore, there are no child entities defined. Any OVAL Test written to check isainfo will reference the same isainfo_object which is basically an empty object element.

< isainfo_state >

The isainfo_state element defines the information about the instruction set architectures. Please refer to the individual elements in the schema for more details about what each represents.

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
bits oval-def:EntityStateStringType 0 1
kernel_isa oval-def:EntityStateStringType 0 1
application_isa oval-def:EntityStateStringType 0 1

< package_test >

The package test is used to check information associated with different packages installed on the system. The information used by this test is modeled after the /usr/bin/pkginfo command. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references an inetd_object and the optional state element specifies the information to check. The evaluation of the test is guided by the check attribute that is inherited from the TestType.

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
object oval-def:ObjectRefType 1 1
state oval-def:StateRefType 0 1

< package_object >

The package_object element is used by a package test to define the packages to be evaluated. Each object extends the standard ObjectType as definied in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the ObjectType description for more information. The common set element allows complex objects to be created using filters and set logic. Again, please refer to the description of the set element in the oval-definitions-schema.

A package object consists of a single pkginst entity that identifies the package to be used.

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
pkginst oval-def:EntityObjectStringType 1 1

< package_state >

The package_state element defines the different information associated with packages installed on the system. Please refer to the individual elements in the schema for more details about what each represents.

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
pkginst oval-def:EntityStateStringType 0 1
name oval-def:EntityStateStringType 0 1
category oval-def:EntityStateStringType 0 1
version oval-def:EntityStateStringType 0 1
vendor oval-def:EntityStateStringType 0 1
description oval-def:EntityStateStringType 0 1

< patch54_test >

The patch test is used to check information associated with different patches installed on the system. The information being tested is based off the /usr/bin/showrev -p command. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references an inetd_object and the optional state element specifies the information to check. The evaluation of the test is guided by the check attribute that is inherited from the TestType.

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
object oval-def:ObjectRefType 1 1
state oval-def:StateRefType 0 1

< patch_test >

This test has been deprecated and will be removed in version 6.0 of the language. Recommend use of the newer patch54_test.

The patch test is used to check information associated with different patches installed on the system. The information being tested is based off the /usr/bin/showrev -p command. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references an inetd_object and the optional state element specifies the information to check. The evaluation of the test is guided by the check attribute that is inherited from the TestType.

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
object oval-def:ObjectRefType 1 1
state oval-def:StateRefType 0 1

< patch54_object >

The patch54_object element is used by a patch test to define the specific patch to be evaluated. Each object extends the standard ObjectType as definied in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the ObjectType description for more information. The common set element allows complex objects to be created using filters and set logic. Again, please refer to the description of the set element in the oval-definitions-schema.

A patch object consists of a base entity that identifies the patch to be used, and a version entity that represent the patch revision number.

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
behaviors sol-def:PatchBehaviors 0 1
base oval-def:EntityObjectIntType 1 1
version oval-def:EntityObjectIntType 1 1

< patch_object >

This object has been deprecated and will be removed in version 6.0 of the language. Recommend use of the newer patch54_object.

The patch_object element is used by a patch test to define the specific patch to be evaluated. Each object extends the standard ObjectType as definied in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the ObjectType description for more information. The common set element allows complex objects to be created using filters and set logic. Again, please refer to the description of the set element in the oval-definitions-schema.

A patch object consists of a single base entity that identifies the patch to be used.

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
base oval-def:EntityObjectIntType 1 1

< patch_state >

The patch_state element defines the different information associated with a specific patch installed on the system. Please refer to the individual elements in the schema for more details about what each represents.

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
base oval-def:EntityStateIntType 0 1
version oval-def:EntityStateIntType 0 1

== PatchBehaviors ==

These behaviors allow a more detailed definition of the patch_object being specified.


- supersedence n/a (optional -- default='false')

< smf_test >

The smf_test is used to check service management facility controlled services including traditional unix rc level start/kill scrips and inetd daemon services. It extends the standard TestType as defined in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the TestType description for more information. The required object element references a smf_object and the optional state element specifies the information to check. The evaluation of the test is guided by the check attribute that is inherited from the TestType.

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
object oval-def:ObjectRefType 1 1
state oval-def:StateRefType 0 1

< smf_object >

The smf_object element is used by a smf_test to define the specific service instance to be evaluated. Each object extends the standard ObjectType as definied in the oval-definitions-schema and one should refer to the ObjectType description for more information. The common set element allows complex objects to be created using filters and set logic. Again, please refer to the description of the set element in the oval-definitions-schema.

A smf_object consists of a service_name entity that identifies the service and a fmri entity that represents the fault management resource identifier.

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
fmri oval-def:EntityObjectStringType 1 1

< smf_state >

The smf_state element defines the different information associated with a specific smf controlled service. Please refer to the individual elements in the schema for more details about what each represents.

Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs
fmri oval-def:EntityStateStringType 0 1
service_name oval-def:EntityStateStringType 0 1
service_state sol-def:EntityStateSmfServiceStateType 0 1
protocol sol-def:EntityStateSmfProtocolType 0 1
server_executable oval-def:EntityStateStringType 0 1
server_arguements oval-def:EntityStateStringType 0 1
exec_as_user oval-def:EntityStateStringType 0 1

== EntityStateSmfProtocolType ==

The EntityStateSmfProtocolType complex type defines the different values that are valid for the protocol entity of a smf_state. The empty string is also allowed as a valid value to support an empty element that is found when a variable reference is used within the type entity.

Value Description



Request that service listen only for and pass on true IPv6 requests (not IPv4 mapped ones).




Request that service listen only for and pass on true IPv6 requests (not IPv4 mapped ones).

== EntityStateSmfServiceStateType ==

The EntityStateSmfServiceStateType complex type defines the different values that are valid for the service_state entity of a smf_state. The empty string is also allowed as a valid value to support an empty element that is found when a variable reference is used within the type entity.

Value Description

The instance is enabled and running or available to run. The instance, however, is functioning at a limited capacity in comparison to normal operation.


The instance is disabled.


The instance is enabled, but not able to run. Administrative action is required to restore the instance to offline and subsequent states.


This state represents a legacy instance that is not managed by the service management facility. Instances in this state have been started at some point, but might or might not be running.


The instance is enabled, but not yet running or available to run.


The instance is enabled and running or is available to run.


This is the initial state for all service instances.