This document outlines the items of the OVAL System Characteristics XML schema that are independent of any specific family or platform. Each iten is an extention of a basic System Characteristics item defined in the core System Characteristics XML schema.
The OVAL Schema is maintained by The Mitre Corporation and developed by the public OVAL Community. For more information, including how to get involved in the project and how to submit change requests, please visit the OVAL website at
This element stores high level system OS type, otherwise known as the family.
Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs family ind-sc:EntityItemFamilyType 0 1
This element stores md5 hash associated with a specific file.
This item has been deprecated. You should use the filehash_item instead. This item will be dropped in the major release of OVAL.
Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs path oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1 filename oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1 md5 oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
This element stores the different hash values associated with a specific file.
Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs path oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1 filename oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1 md5 oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1 sha1 oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
This item stores information about environment variables and their values.
Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs name oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1 value oval-sc:EntityItemAnyType 0 1
The sql_item outlines information collected from a database via an SQL query.
Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs engine oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1 version oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1 connection_string oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1 sql oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1 result oval-sc:EntityItemAnyType 0 unbounded
The textfilecontent_item looks at the contents of a text file (aka a configuration file) by looking at individual lines.
Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs path oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1 filename oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1 pattern oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1 instance oval-sc:EntityItemIntType 0 1 line oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1 text oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1 subexpression oval-sc:EntityItemAnyType 0 unbounded
This item stores information about OVAL Variables and their values.
Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs var_ref ind-sc:EntityItemVariableRefType 0 1 value oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 unbounded
This item stores results from checking the contents of an xml file.
Child Elements Type MinOccurs MaxOccurs path oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1 filename oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1 xpath oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1 value_of oval-sc:EntityItemStringType 0 1
The EntityItemEngineType complex type defines a string entity value that is restricted to a set of enumerations. Each valid enumeration is a valid database engine.
Value Description access db2 cache firebird firstsql foxpro informix ingres interbase lightbase maxdb monetdb mimer oracle paradox pervasive postgre postgre sqlbase sqlite sqlserver sybase
The EntityItemFamilyType complex type defines a string entity value that is restricted to a set of enumerations. Each valid enumeration is a high-level family of system operating system.
Value Description ios macos unix windows
The EntityItemVariableRefType complex type defines a string item entity that has a valid OVAL variable id as the value.