Date Sent: 10/24/2014 Date Completed: 10/29/2014 BALLOT: Item 1: To include the win-def:userright_test in the official 5.11 version of the OVAL Language. OVERALL RESULTS: Yes: 14 No: 0 Total Organizations: 25 Quorum Required: 13 Total Vote: 14 INDIVIDUAL RESULTS: Organization Vote #1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assuria Limited BeyondTrust Inc. Y IBM Corporation Y Hewlett-Packard INADEV Corporation Y Y Lancope Inc. McAfee Inc. Y Modulo Y Qualys Inc. Y VMware SecPod Technologies Symantec Corporation ThreatGuard Inc. Y Tripwire Inc. Y Cisco Systems Inc. Red Hat Inc. Y Center for Internet Security Y DTCC Rockport Systems Unified Compliance Y Individual NIST SPAWAR Y MITRE Y ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: A blank space in a table row above indicates the organization did not vote. BACKGROUND: This test was proposed by the SPAWAR team to address scalability issues with the existing win-def:accesstoken_test when checking the rights and privileges associated with security principals in certain situation such as on domain controllers.